HELLO MAVENS Hello my beautiful friends I am a really positive person, most of you may know my story or watched my FB LIVE last week. Sadly Saturday night I heard that one of my friend's lost her battle to cancer. I have posted in the group a few times about how I was feeling. My friend had been poorly for quite sometime and her death has hit me like a ton of bricks. Nikki was the same age as me and we met at antenatal classes 20 years ago. Trying to stay positive I posted in the group asking people to celebrate their successes. It amazed me when someone said they couldn't think of anything and then remembered they had built their own website just this week!!!!! I started writing down all the things I felt grateful for in each month a while ago but I sadly let this slip by. I find it really hard to remember all the tiny successful things that i do or things that make me feel happy. I am definitely going to start writing them all down again from today. Life is so short and precious and I want to feel happy everyday I am lucky enough to be on this earth. I know I bang on about nurturing ourselves but I think when you work solo it is vital to look after yourself. Write down the tiny things that make you smile, surround yourselves with nourishing people, learn to love change and do one thing a day that is just for you. That one thing could be anything, a bath, a gym class, meditation, read a few pages of your book etc etc. Tomorrow evening Katy Hill will be doing a FB LIVE at 7:30pm. Katy is one of the most positive, uplifting people I know so I am really looking forward to Tuesday evening already. Love Hayley x (Please excuse grammar and spelling, I am all about heart & passion NOT PERFECTION) Copyright © 2016 Southwood All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: Unit 3, Dodley Hill Farm, Station Road, Swanbourne, MK170SR Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp