Hayley Southwood is an enabler. She has the ability to see women in business, really SEE them. Their capabilities, potential. The Southwood Social Hub was a totally natural step for her. A space where women have, and continue to form relationships, work on collaborations and offer advice to each other through their differing business experiences.
And now Hayley's taken her next natural step. The Southwood Social Hub is also north of the border. Southwood Social Hub Scotland. From a practicality point of view the Hub is online, of course. But at the very core of the hub is the way in which Hayley creates meet ups for women to meet face to face, not in the traditional networking sense, No. This is a very different vibe. And so having the hub in Scotland, now enables like minded business women to feel the benefits of the hub within their region.
Hayley. Congratulations, the launch of Southwood Social Hub Scotland looked amazing, Edinburgh incredible. Obviously this isn't something that happens overnight. So, Why Scotland? Why Edinburgh?
We already had a handful of Scottish members in the original hub. They joined as they couldn't find like-minded creative souls close by. As the demand is there it felt so natural to start a hub dedicated to the North. Obviously we have always been predominantly an online community but the meet ups are just to far for our Northern members to attend regularly.
There must have been a moment in that room when you looked around and thought. 'Yes. This. This is the hub at it's best.' Tell us about it?
Oh Donna you are so right!! I recently saw a photo of a group of our members and it made my heart skip. There were 5 women in the photo from all different industries, different ages and backgrounds but all creative big thinkers! BOOM
Is the Scotland hub, purely for business women based in Scotland?
Not at all!! The Scottish Hub is accessible to anyone that wants to join. We have already had a few original members join, especially if they are web based businesses. It is just another way to connect further a field !! We charge £20 per month for one hub and only an extra £10 to upgrade to both hubs.
Working for yourself, can be in all honesty quite lonely, more and more business women recently I'm noticing are recognising this, allowing themselves to be vulnerable, putting themselves out there and connecting in real life, away from the, dare I say, alienating bubble of social media. What are your thoughts?
As you know I am the HUGEST FAN of Social Media!! I LOVE IT but I am also a firm believer of meeting people in the flesh. I use Instagram to connect but I will always ask people to meet for coffee in person.
Totally agree, I think more and more women in business are really feeling the benefits of meeting in person, hearing other women's stories, getting their perspectives can be hugely beneficial. Thanks so much Hayley!
To join the Southwood Social Hub Scotland or should you have any questions, get in touch.