HOW IS IT THURSDAY ALREADY???? I would like to say Hi and Welcome to all our new members this week! I know people say stuff like that all the time but seriously I don't know where the time is going? I remember my Mum saying stuff like that when I was a kid. This has to an age thing or am I juggling too many plates? This got me thinking about growth, when do you employ people to take some of the stress. As a small business growing fast it often feels like plate spinning. I am sure loads of you reading this know what I mean. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining (that is not my thing) but taking time to step back and analyse where you are heading and what you want from everything. Tuesday I took an afternoon off (YES I DID) and I went into town to meet Nadine Baggott and boy it was so good to talk to a strong independent woman who knows what she wants and where she is going! Having a bit of time away from my desk gave my brain a minute to refocus. I am one of those types that lives, eats, breathes her business. It is part of me, it makes me happy. The lines are beyond blurred! But my phone is constantly beeping and alerting me of something or somewhere I need to be. Instagram notifications every single second I HAVE to check as these result into sales for my store. BUT Tuesday afternoon I didn't look at my phone once!!!! I was too busy having my nails done at Dryby London which felt VERY indulgent and girly! I LOVED IT !!!! We have got loads of exciting things coming up at the hub over the next few months.Last week's first 'Fortnightly Focus Meet' was a huge success! We thrashed out the topic of newsletters for a good few hours and shared all of our ideas without fear or embarrassment. Nobody in the room was an expert but we are all knowledgeable in our own ways so it worked beautifully. Our next date is Tuesday 31st and we are looking at blogging. This focus meet is fully booked but the next one on 23rd March will be looking at retail. I will be advertising it in the facebook group very soon. Our next Big Networking meet will be in April (Date to be confirmed) I really look forward to seeing you all at an event soon. Don't forget these events are FREE to members and spaces fill super fast!! xx Have a lovely weekend my friends Love H xx