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Just Keep Swimming...

Written By : Donna Tweedale

The clocks have changed. The morning's dark, nights drawing in. The fire on, as are the thick socks. With the prospect of curling up with a large glass of red hugely appealing. Oh Autumn. You temptress.

When you have your own business, self motivation plays a huge part.

So how do we keep on our 'A Game' when everything around us is encouraging us to go into hibernation mode.

Hayley. Help.

Let's suppose, I'm feeling stuck. In limbo, What's your advice?

The first thing I do when I feel like this is jump onto the hub, put a shout out that you are in need of a coffee with a fellow maven. We are spread far and wide but there are always a few close by to where you live. It is so good to chat to someone who gets it and you will always lift each other's spirits.

When I feel stuck I like to get out of my lonely office and get inspired!

I also love a good brainstorm session... I like to look through old notebooks and make sure I am on track to achieve my goals I set myself. Mine are always scribbles in a notepad but I am always working to achieve something new. Setting myself new targets really keeps me motivated.

If I am still struggling the best thing I can do is get some exercise, walk Sid or go to the gym.

At this point in the year it can be so easy to just postpone plans, ideas. Yep. The 'C' word is looming. How do you get started and avoid the ''I'll just get Christmas out the way....'' and then. Bam. It's February.

Awww this is a tough one and depends on your industry I guess!

But for me it's about being organised to get me through the season and I am always thinking about January. What exciting project will I be planning in the new year ? Out comes that scribbly notepad again!

It feels like there has been a Brexit induced uncertainty affecting many small independents, service, retail particularly has had a tough year. How can we stay motivated when times are challenging?

This is definitely affecting lots of us right now but I think this is the time to look at all of your skill set and see how you can make revenue streams from each one of your skills. Look at the wider picture!

Also look at what problem you can solve for people...

We talk about networking, we know it's something we should probably do, because we hear it's a good thing to do. But, What IS Networking?

Why is it important?

I hate those old fashioned networking groups as you all know, you know the ones where you go along and have to promise that you will refer the person next to you and report back at the next meeting. Oh my goodness, the pressure!!!

The truth is networking is really all you need though, it is incredible when you have a wide, varied network. People you can trust, people who won't rip you off when you need a quote for job.

When you start mixing in the right network amazing opportunities are all around you!

I know I have said it sooo many times but I really used to think investment would save my small business, fast forward and it was connections. Actually that is how I see networking ... it's all about connections!

So True. Connections are so important. For our business' our confidence and sanity!

Enjoy the build up to the festive season girls. Just keep swimming. If you're feeling overwhelmed don't be shy, head to the website, start a conversation thread. We're in this together.


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